It's been 9 months since we've updated. We've been busy raising our little genius. But I am vowing to start updating more often so friends and family can enjoy the many musings of the Lien's life.
Maddox is getting bigger and more adventurous by the day. He's cruising around the coffee table, scooting along the floor and basically getting into everything. Child-proofing is about 20% done. We have hooks on cabinets, but that's about it. We're living on the edge!
We are changing childcare again. We tried to keep our current Nanny, but it didn't work out so we are moving to a daycare next week. It's a home daycare with 3 other little tikes. Maddox will have a blast.
Halloween is in a couple days and Maddox is ready. He even has 4 teeth to chomp on candy! Kidding. It's pureed squash and oatmeal for him. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups for me!
Keep checking back as I update with more photos and more Maddox! PS, the above pic is about 1 month old. I will upload more recent ones tomorrow.